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What makes Someone a High Achiever?
What's the difference between high achievers and everyone else?
Too often we forget that it's NOT actually success vs. failure. We all "fail" at times.

Lessons from Anxiety…
A few months back, we at Unapologetic wrote a blog entry on anxiety, specifically on strategies and techniques to relieve that feeling of impending doom or spinning worries. It remains one of our highest-ranked pieces, and for good reason. It’s a topic everyone can relate to at some point in their professional and/or personal lives, and it’s not going to cease anytime soon. As more companies focus on their bottom lines in tough economic conditions post-pandemic, it’s a natural emotion to surface.
For those of us with younger children, anxiety has become a much more common word in the household, thanks to a beloved new Disney character from the movie Inside Out 2.

What’s Your Marker for Success?
We’ve all heard the phrase “focus on what you can control”, but have you stopped to consider how that relates to the mark of success you hold yourself to?
Our video today gives a real life story to this concept and we’d ask you to really challenge yourself to consider how you’ve let this play out in your own life.
Are you holding yourself to unrealistic targets, or even worse, are you watering down your potential and your trajectory?

Kid Lessons & Team Presence
“While we try to teach children all about life, they end up teaching us what life is all about” - Angela Schwindt

Anxiety Relief with Two Proven Strategies
We all have those times in our lives that we can remember vividly. Core Memories. Most are probably related to your first trip to Disney World, or meeting your significant other, having your first baby...but sometimes they're of not such pleasant times.
I vividly remember a couple years ago, at exactly this same time of year, rushing to my PCP's office with what I was sure were the beginning symptoms of a heart attack. As soon as the nurse took me back, I told her I needed an EKG, something was very wrong with my heart.

What Signs Are You Missing?
Becoming more aware (notice we didn’t use the word present, awareness necessitates a different muscle)… simple in concept, difficult in practice.

“Clean” Thinking
People talk often about clean eating, what if we gave the same attention to the concept of clean THINKING?
Would you be willing to “test drive” only allowing HELPFUL thoughts to take space in your brain and in your language.

The Healing Power of Tears: A Gateway to Emotional Intelligence
Recently, while meeting with a client, we encountered a deeply touching moment. This experience moved me to tears, prompting my client to question why I was crying and confiding that they wished they could cry but couldn't. This interaction perfectly encapsulates the complex nature of emotional intelligence and the transformative power of tears. In our personal and professional environments, we see far too many instances of people holding back tears. We’re going to ask you to challenge those knee jerk reactions for very good reason…

The Antidote to Worrying When Things Feel Out Of Your Control
We’ve been on the phone a lot these past months in particular with change being “forced” upon very capable and smart people. These same people are feeling lost and overwhelmed. I suspect if you are reading this right now, you might relate to them.
In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to find ourselves caught in the storm of worry. As executive coaches and communication experts, we've seen firsthand how worry can spiral into a host of negative outcomes - stress, hypertension, anxiety, the fueling of addictions, sleep deprivation, and more. Which begs the question, “What do we do when faced with chaos and the unknown?” The answer lies in the approach.