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Igniting Success - The 5 Love Languages in the Workplace: Unapologetic Transformational Blog Series
Let’s talk about the love language Gift Giving today to round out our series on how to best utilize the learnings from Gary Chapman, in the work place.

Igniting Success - The 5 Love Languages in the Workplace: Unapologetic Transformational Blog Series
Words of Affirmation… 🗣️
It’s one of the most misunderstood Love Languages, but Unapologetic’s own CSO, Kristen Puhlman, is providing the truths and myths in our learning today ❤️

Igniting Success - The 5 Love Languages in the Workplace: Unapologetic Transformational Blog Series
How do you efficiently and effectively lead and motivate those in your organization whose primary love language is Acts of Service?
Our CEO, Marcellus Robinson, is sharing his first hand experience and wisdom.

Igniting Success - The 5 Love Languages in the Workplace: Unapologetic Transformational Blog Series
In a recent national poll, it showed that the most common love language is Quality Time (42% of the population). As a result, it felt like the perfect place to start.
How do you need to show up as a leader for those on your team who value Quality Time above everything else?
What real world applications can you employ right away to elevate how they show up and perform for the organization?
Listen below to the wise words and experience of Unapologetic’s CEO, Marcellus Robinson.

Igniting Success - The 5 Love Languages in the Workplace: Unapologetic Transformational Blog Series
Imagine a workplace where every team member feels deeply valued and motivated. What if understanding their unique recognition style could unlock their full potential?
At Unapologetic, we generally believe that assumptions are dangerous, but in this case, we're going to guess that most, if not all of you, are familiar with The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. It's an impactful exercise to do for yourself and your spouse to better understand how the other receives and gives love. How often do we consider how our professional partners express and experience appreciation?

What’s Your Marker for Success?
We’ve all heard the phrase “focus on what you can control”, but have you stopped to consider how that relates to the mark of success you hold yourself to?
Our video today gives a real life story to this concept and we’d ask you to really challenge yourself to consider how you’ve let this play out in your own life.
Are you holding yourself to unrealistic targets, or even worse, are you watering down your potential and your trajectory?

What Signs Are You Missing?
Becoming more aware (notice we didn’t use the word present, awareness necessitates a different muscle)… simple in concept, difficult in practice.

“Clean” Thinking
People talk often about clean eating, what if we gave the same attention to the concept of clean THINKING?
Would you be willing to “test drive” only allowing HELPFUL thoughts to take space in your brain and in your language.