Creating Trusting Environments: Unapologetic Transformations

This is a continued conversation from 12/15. If you missed the previous pillars, we would encourage you to go back and follow along for our full content on this discussion!

#6) HOW you say something matters as much as what you say

In the realm of professional communication, the way you convey a message is just as crucial as the message itself – perhaps even more so.  One of my favorite mentors used to always tell me: "There's nothing you cannot say, but there is always another way to say something." This wisdom underscores the importance of thoughtful articulation, emphasizing that silence can often breed mistrust in the workplace AND that words have lasting impact. Therefore, let's collectively commit to speaking our minds while investing the necessary time and consideration in choosing the right words.

As you engage in crucial conversations, it's imperative to align your communication strategy with your intended goals. Contemplate the boundaries that must be established and anticipate the potential reactions of the other party. Much like preparing for questions during a presentation, consider how your message will impact the recipient, focusing on their perspective rather than solely on your intentions.

Should the response you receive deviate from your expectations, approach the situation with a curious mindset. Instead of hastily jumping to conclusions, be ready to ask questions. It's possible that the message needs to be conveyed differently, as the other party might not be assuming positive intent. Maintain a composed and even tone, steering clear of frustration and condescending language. Your emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in ensuring mature and effective communication.

A common barrier to addressing essential conversations is the fear that the message will be misunderstood. Embrace this intuition and delve into understanding how the individual in question receives information best. Consider the timing – whether a phone call at the end of the day or the start of the morning is more conducive to positive reception. Explore environments outside the office where honesty and vulnerability can flourish without the guard of professional walls. Determine whether they prefer positive reinforcement before tackling challenges or thrive on being directly challenged.

In essence, the key lies in considering the other party, empathizing by putting yourself in their shoes, formulating a strategic game plan, and then delivering the necessary message with precision and empathy. Mastering the art of expression ensures that your words resonate encouragingly, because as we all know, words can have lasting impact.  Make it a positive one.


Here's Where Unapologetic Can Elevate Your Results:

  • The art of communication…there’s a definite reason this workshop is one of our most popular and can be tailored to YOUR exact message and YOUR exact size team. 

  • Emotional Intelligence is a taught mastery, one of the many skills we work on developing in our executive coaching sessions.  Contact the Unapologetic team today to hold a discovery call to learn more about the other skillsets you’ll gain by investing the time and energy into YOU.

  • Beginning to operate as a holistic team means understanding and appreciating others’ strengths and weaknesses, which is exactly the focus of Unapologetic’s CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop.   Find out more information by clicking on the Contact Us link in the top right of the page.


Creating Trusting Environments: Unapologetic Transformations


Creating Trusting Environments: Unapologetic Transformations